Aug 7, 2008

Yo! Dick-Head! What Have You Been Smoking?

Ming's fears this polite, yet informal salutation to Dick-Head of Office of Oncology Drug Products, Richard Pazdur, does not strike the proper respectful tone. So he solicitously goes on to speculate if someone might have poured Evian water on Pazdur's cranium, since he's all wet and is Evian spelled backwards if he thinks we will forget his little Provenge peccadillo. In a 6/21/05 email response to a query on his position with regard to the medical uses of marijuana,the Dickster wrote;

[We believe physicians are the "key experts" in the medical marijuana debate because the issue is thought by many to be ultimately based on the medical value and risks of marijuana, and Physicians, with their training and clinical work, should (at least in theory) have the best knowledge of marijuana's medical value and risks.]. Too bad his opinion relying on physicians to evaluate risks and value doesn't also encompass Provenge. Then again, Big Pharma doesn't sell marijuana. When it comes to generating cogent reasons to not approve Provenge , Dick is limp.

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