Sep 2, 2008

A Recipe For Recidivists

Ming's childhood chum, Fu E. Lon, known to his pals as F.E.LON just got out of stir on a well publicized securities rap and needs advice on burnishing and redeeming his public image. The devious Ming suggests he glom onto a high profile disease and champion it's cure. This is done all the time by Hollywood has beens to stay in the limelight. After all, who would denigrate anyone fighting a life threatening disease on behalf of it's victims. If done with sufficient publicity a F.E.LON might even have a special Presidential Board of Directors populated by all former U.S. Presidents who also find merit in being shown to be against a killer disease. Your charitable efforts might even earn you photo opps with the sitting President and his agency heads. "All very nice avers F.E.LON but it doesn't pay the rent"." Not so", says the exasperated Ming. Use your role in handing out research grants to get the inside track on promising palliatives. Then form a company to invest in them. After all, even if you're barred from the securities industry, you still have the right to invest your own funds. In fact, should you contribute some of those profits for a Presidential Library or some such partisan boondoggle, you might even earn a Presidential pardon, thus redeeming you in the eyes of society. Why hasn't anyone ever thought of doing this?

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