Nov 8, 2008

Ming Takes The Nickel

"If it please the Court, the People would like Mr. Ming T. Merciless to explain what a mangonel is".
A crestfallen Ming mumbles,"You can't get them anymore, so Ming built his own, but it's only a small one".
"Let the record show that Mr. Merciless admits to building and possessing this medieval siege apparatus, that he was found placing it opposite FDA Headquarters and was in possession of what the State's Forensic Laboratory found to be, six bushels of yak fece.
"Mr. Merciless, please explain your intent on being found in possession of these items at that location".
"I think I'll take the nickel on that one, if it's all the same to your worship", mumbled Ming.
"Your admissions thus far, now preclude availing yourself of fifth amendment privileges so please respond".
"They had it coming, your worship. The FDA is figuratively so full of it when deciding on new therapeutics from small biotechs that Ming decided they should be literally full of it too. But just as Ming got the right trajectory to land a flagon of fertile fece at the Commish's window, their fascist goon squad impinged on his freedom of expression" beamed the now loquacious Ming, playing to the gallery.
Bail was denied and a competency hearing is to be held after evaluation as the defendant was dragged away asking when he can have his mangonel back.

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