Jan 27, 2009

Multimillionaire Takes Personal Interest In Ming

Watching stupid CNBC or more correctly the commercials with the occasional break for their announcers' blather, Ming is intrigued by some large clod with a head too small for his body who claims to have turned $33,000 into $7,000,000 in the stock market.

He advertises constantly and generously offers to share this knowledge by encouraging the dimwitted Ming to send for some free booklet. Now the self-centered Ming, had he got his unwashed digits on seven million reasons to retire, would have other things to do with his time.

Yet, the only thing on this troglodyte's mind is to make the gullible Ming rich by showing him how to beat the market. Surely more money could be made by this refugee from from a basketball court by using this wonderful knowledge to operate a hedge fund. Tears come to Ming's eyes knowing that such selfless people are still out there willing to share their cornucopia of insights with the unwashed masses.

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