May 23, 2009

Man The Barricades

Ming is revolting, but you already knew that. Yet there is only so much abuse the long suffering Ming can take before he calls for revolution.

This has nothing to do with petty concerns such as the abridgment of one's freedoms such as the right to bear arms or the abuses of the eminent domain laws allowing government to seize private property only because it can be put to a higher use, meaning greater tax revenue.

This strikes at the very heart of all that which Ming holds dear. Namely the right to receive fair value as he clogs his arteries with ice cream. Remember those halcyon days when one could waltz into any supermarket and buy a half gallon of ice cream secure in the knowledge that you'll get full measure i.e. 64 ounces of delectable dairy? Then they insidiously began packaging ice cream in 56 ounce containers. When no one rioted in the streets they became yet further emboldened. Now they have the temerity to fob off 48 ounce containers on bovine buyers. Where will it all end? Extrapolating the diminution it won't be long until a 17 ounce container will be flogged as being the large size since it's more than a pint.

Ice cream delivery trucks must be overturned and set ablaze. Supermarket dairy managers must be flogged to within an inch of their lives. Yes, even cows must be knocked over to vent our displeasure. Be sure and tell Ming how it all turns out as he's now switched to popsicles in protest.

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