Sep 14, 2009

China Retaliates

The excise tax that the U.S. has imposed on tire imports from The Peoples Republic has infuriated the Chinese Politburo. Head of Politburo, Wei Fuk Yu, vows to bring America to it's knees, swearing to cut off all exports to the U.S. of chinese finger puzzles.

Fuk yu, as he'd be known to his friends, if he had any, is apoplectic and also threatens to curtail export to America of all golf ball washers. "Let them play with their dirty balls" cackles Wei as he personally demonstrates the new top-of-the-line ball washer on his own balls to the admiration of all reporters in attendance who curry favor by complimenting him on the size of his own set. Wei is widely acknowledged to have more golf balls than anyone in Government service.

Wei bemoans the effect the drop in tire sales will have on the domestic paper mache industry, saying "If they don't want our crappy tires then we don't want their crappy chickens who crap all over everything. We institute new law with catchy name like Smoot-Hawley Act that solve everything". This is the sort of crappy response that brought on the great depression.

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