Sep 4, 2009

Only If They Appear In Their Underwear

Ever notice that CNBC's guests all look like they were sent over from central casting? Why should the suspicious Ming take stock advice from some clod forced to get up early, put on a suit and tie and then schlep over to CNBC to be insulted by Joe Kernan? If he was any good he'd have made enough money not to have to do all that.

Yet when one of these "experts" such as Byran Wien, David Rosenberg etc. lose their sinecure, they land somewhere else toot de suite rather than staying home and trading for their own account while sitting there comfortably in their underwear.

Ming will only take seriously a guest who refuses to be interviewed anyplace but at home while sitting in their underwear preferably with some curvaceous cutie half their age ensconced on their lap running her fingers across his bald pate. Now that's someone whose advice can be relied on because it has paid off.

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